"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The worst thing a girl could ever do.

.. Is fall in love with her best friend. Especially when she knows she doesn't have even the slightest chance with him. It's wrong, and unrealistic. I've tried for months now to smother it to the very back of my mind. The last thing I want to do is ruin the amazing friendship that we have. I just hurts.. so bad.
Let me give you this back story before I tell you the main story. I have a best friend. She and I are totally in sync with each other. It's like we're on the same wave length and sometimes its even scary. She is beautiful, and smart, and caring and artsy. Everything a guy would want. A guy would be insane not to like her. There lies the problem. Because she is so beautiful and I'm so.. me, I feel like at times I am in constant competition for attention of our guy friends. We have never had a mutual guy friend that hasn't had a crush on her. Therefore, if I happen to like a guy who also knows her it usually ends up like this:
Me: Hey, wanna hang out sometime?
Guy: Sure, is your friend going to be there too?
Me: Sure, I guess she can be..
Guy: Great! Cause she's really pretty. Does she have a boyfriend?
BAM. There goes all hope.  I get all upset and just.. jealous. She's pretty much beating buys off with a stick, and I'm the friend they come to when they need someone to put in a good word and that's it. It just gets hard to handle at times. I just wonder why I'm not good enough. Like, obviously I'm just not pretty enough being as though she and I are literally just alike, so I know it isn't my personality.
Anyway, So I have this friend. He's one of my closet guy friends. A few months back he told me he liked her. At first I was totally happy, you know? He needs a nice girl, and it was all fine and dandy. The more he talked about her, the more I regretted ever introducing them. I was just jealous. The feelings for him just keep growing
Now, back to the point.
So, Last night was prom night. my best guy friend was my date, and my best girl friend (the one from the back story) was in our group with her date, another good friend. So, we get to prom and it was LAME. My date is a shy guy so we didn't dance much, and I didn't too much mind it. I did, however, mind him giving my friend more attention than me. We sat in some chairs outside the ball room and I just watched them shamelessly flirting. I was full of jealously and just ..pure rage. I mean, here I am at my senior prom feeling like.. a third wheel to my date and my best friend. I literally got up and walked out. Partly to see if he could follow me, and partly because I didn't want to watch them anymore. As I was walking out on the grass I tried to piece together what I was feeling. I was hurt, and I felt dumb for even thinking this time would be different. I felt embarrassed because I let my feelings for him just build up, and I was letting my feelings get the best of me. I was angry, and sad, and.. and  jealous. They both followed me out. She asked if I was okay, and of course I lied and said yes. I really wanted to just yell "No! I'm not okay! I'm in love with him and he likes you.. like always."  He's my best friend.. and I'm in love with him. When I took him home last night I hugged him tight, and it literally hurt to let him go. It took everything in me not to look him in the eye. He said goodnight and I told him I loved him and he said it back. Only difference is, I really do love him. It hurts like hell. I won't tell him. I refuse to do anything that might cause me to lose him, I won't. So, that's it, if you're still reading this, thank you. I had to get it out because It's all I can think about. I'm in love with my best friend. So, I'm gonna take a deep breath, and pack all these feelings back where they belong. Where no one can see them.

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