"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans- John Lennon

I've recently become obsessed with The Beatles. I mean, I've always liked their music, but now I absolutely adore it! I had to do a project on how drugs influenced music in the 60's. Of course The Beatles came to mind immediately. So, I started listening to their music, researching lyrics,  and looking up small facts about each band member. I did the same for Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.

Listening to The Beatles (which I am doing  right now) helps me focus. I just love it!
I got to thinking: if I could ever go back in time, I would probably choose to go back to the 20's or the 60's. Two carefree ages, you know, minus the whole Great Depression thing in 1929.
"The Roaring 20's" was all about the flappers, and the speak easys. Times were good.
The 60's was all about experimenting. It was "the feel good" age.  Meaning if it felt good, do it. I promise I don't do drugs. To me that's not what its about. It's like.. back then people didn't judge you. everyone just did what made them happy. Things aren't near as simple these days. Now it's all about who you know and how much money you have. We all take things for granted. Back then people took time to literally stop and smell the roses. They were in touch with nature, and everything around them. Nothing mattered but love. Pure, honest to god, and sometimes drug induced love. That is exactly what the world needs. (Love not drugs!)

Sorry I've been neglecting my blog, these past few weeks have been crazy! This weekend I will be traveling to Ohio for showchoir. Next weekend is Chicago, and the following weekend is Nashville. Then Shortly after is opening night of Sweeney Todd, and the prom. After all that, its smooth sailing until graduation! So, wish me luck over the next few weeks and I'll try to keep my blog updated!

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